Achieve Scrum SAFe Agilist Certificaton with Real SAFe-Agilist Exam Questions

Achieve Scrum SAFe Agilist Certificaton with Real SAFe-Agilist Exam Questions

You can choose to achieve success in Scrum SAFe Agilist certification to prove that you can learn what makes companies more customer-centric and how to run key SAFe alignment and planning events, like PI planning. With our real SAFe-Agilist exam questions, you can practice and improve your understanding of Agile fundamentals, Lean principles, SAFe Principles, and Scrum. These questions provide you with a better understanding of the Agile and Lean principles that are essential for your success in the SAFe-Agilist certification exam. With our questions, you can become familiar with the type of questions asked in the exam and gain confidence to pass the SAFe-Agilist exam. Get your Scrum SAFe Agilist certification with real SAFe-Agilist exam questions today!

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1. Select the three events facilitated by the Scrum Master.

2. What is a customer-centric development process that creates desirable products that are profitable and sustainable over their lifecycle?

3. The product backlog contains 60 story points. The team velocity is around 20 story points per iteration.

How many Iterations would it take to finish the backlog?

4. What is the impact of shorter queue lengths?

5. What is SAFE?

6. Do we have variations in SAFE implementation?

7. Within the SAFE principles (10), what is related to this principle: #3, "Assume variability; preserve options,"?

8. 1.What is an agile Team? Choose two answers.

9. When is Continuous Exploration happening?

10. What are the three inputs to start PI Planning?


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